All tagged freelance

Free 2020-2021 Business Review Worksheet

2020 has brought so many changes in the way we live, socialize, and especially in the way we work. But I trust that there are more opportunities hidden within these challenges than we realize. Below is my free gift to you—a download link to the worksheet so you can take your best step forward into 2021.

The Freelancer’s Starter Kit: Pt. I

This month marks exactly two years since I launched my full-time freelance career and since then, I’ve learned a few golden lessons—a short but powerful list of must-knows that are true for freelancers no matter what skills you’re offering or what industry you serve. Together, this little list forms what I call the Freelancer’s Starter Kit.

What to Expect when Working with a Writer

Whether you’re an author looking for a collaborator, a business looking for a brand communicator, or a ministry looking to reach hearts, working with words can be a vulnerable process. But knowing what to expect alleviates some of the pressure and help you work efficiently with the writers in your life.

Taming the Muse

For most writers I know, the muse is a loved enemy, a hated friend, an enigma. Just when you need inspiration—say, at the eleventh hour of a deadline— the muse is nowhere near. And when you least need it—say, at the eleventh hour at night— it’s present and shouting. But what if I told you that you can actually train the muse to show up when you need it to? I discovered this out of necessity, and it changed my life.

That Every Word Tell

Music is one of the writer’s most helpful resources. It’s such a human thing, music is. Not only does it use the right and the left side of the brain simultaneously but it also embodies the dreams, joys, heartbreaks, and nostalgia of the human spirit. You’ll be hard pressed to find better inspiration for the writing process. But the benefits of music don’t stop at inspiration.

The Top Three Benefits of Writing with Music

Music is one of the writer’s most helpful resources. It’s such a human thing, music is. Not only does it use the right and the left side of the brain simultaneously but it also embodies the dreams, joys, heartbreaks, and nostalgia of the human spirit. You’ll be hard pressed to find better inspiration for the writing process. But the benefits of music don’t stop at inspiration.